OpenMV Motor Shield




This motor shield provides a simple way to power OpenMV and drive low-power motors at the same time.

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This motor shield provides a simple way to power OpenMV and drive low-power motors at the same time. It has a 5V regulator to power both OpenMV and the motor driver, allowing you to power two low-power motors under 2A with a single battery.

For each motor, the motor driver chip requires 2 pins to set its internal H-bridge direction and an additional pin for PWM control. Therefore, once the drive direction is set, PWM control must be used for each motor.

Q: Can I use the motor shield and servo shield at the same time?

A: Yes. They use different pins.


The motor shield is perfect if you need your robot to move around.

Motor Requirements

Voltage: 6~9V

Current: Less than 2A

Power Requirements

Voltage: 6~9V

Current: Greater than the sum of maximum currents of both motors

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