The Servo Shield allows your OpenMV to control up to 8 servos simultaneously. It uses the PCA9685 servo controller which can output general purpose PWM.
The Servo Shield allows your OpenMV to control up to 8 servos simultaneously. It uses the PCA9685 servo controller which can output general purpose PWM.
We have written PCA9685.py for controlling PCA9685 PWM output, and a Servo.py for controlling servos.
The Servo Shield is perfect for applications that need to use OpenMV Cam to control objects in the real world. For example, it's ideal for turning an RC car into a self-driving car, using OpenMV Cam as vision and the Servo Shield to control throttle and steering motors. Therefore, if you connect the Servo Shield to OpenMV and connect the ESC to the Servo Shield, everything will be powered. If you don't have an ESC, you can also use the OpenMV Sensor Shield and plug in a power supply.
Two OpenMV Servo Shields can be stacked and used simultaneously. The I2C address can be changed by connecting the solder bridge on the back.